Thursday, April 30, 2015

Gothenburg Part Fem

Saturday 4/25/15 - Monday 4/27/15

After the long day at the hospital I spent a day relaxing on Saturday. There was a Tough Viking race in the neighboring park, similar to the Tough Mudder back home. The large number of runners had to avoid electrified wires and being tackled by men right out the gate. At night some students from the Challenge Lab met up with us for appetizers and drinks. It was interesting to hear why they moved from Mexico and Iran to Sweden and about their sustainability projects.

We were blessed with one last sunny day in Gothenburg on Sunday so I finally managed to make it to the botanical garden. My foot had been too sore before to tag along with others. There were a lot of people at the garden and many of the flowers were in bloom, especially the rhododendrons. The park is dedicated to Carl Linnaeus, a famous Swede who is responsible for the modern standardized naming system for plants, using two names in latin. The arboretum at Gustavus is named after him. All the plants had name tags in latin. I loved seeing the classical references, the plants named after roman and greek myths.

Pat and Zach, the cute couple 

The myth bellow tells the story of Narcissus and Echo as told by Ovid in Metamorphoses. He is one of my favorite ancient authors I've studied at Gustavus.
"The story is told in Book III of the Metamorphoses, and tells the story of a "talkative nymph" who is admired by the goddess Aphrodite for her magnificent voice and song. When she tricks Zeus's jealous wife Hera, into believing that her husband, Zeus was in the city she curses her by making her only able to repeat the last words said, and couldn't say anything on her own. "Yet a chatterbox, had no other use of speech than she has now, that she could repeat only the last words out of many." This is the explanation of the aural effect which was named after her. She falls in love with Narcissus, whom she catches sight of when he is "chasing frightened deer into his nets." Eventually, after "burning with a closer flame," Echo's presence is revealed to Narcissus, who, after a comic, yet tragic scene, rejects her love. Echo prays in her mind of this to Aphrodite, who makes Echo disappear, until she "remains a voice" and "is heard by all."
Then, Narcissus "tired from both his enthusiasm for hunting and from the heat" rests by a spring, and whilst drinking, "a new thirst grows inside him" and he is "captivated by the image of the beauty he has seen" and falls deeply in love with "all the things for which he himself is admired." He then wastes away with love for himself, echoing the manner in which Echo did earlier on. A while later his body is gone, and in its place is a narcissus flower. The pale flower is still found near river banks so that it can be reflected on the water." Wikipedia
Narcissus and Echo by Waterhouse, 1903. I love Neoclassical art from the 1800s and 1900s. 

Sunday night we went to the new Avengers movie! It came out in Sweden almost a week before the US for some reason. Movies are weird in Sweden; we had to buy our tickets ahead of time. Before the movie started some people came out dressed as Thor, Black Widow and Scarlett Witch. I think they explained where the exists are. As they were leaving Thor 'forgot' his hammer and the Black Widow tried to pick it up but she was not worthy! It was corny but cute. 

Typically weather in Gothenburg is similar to rainy Seattle or Portland. They even have umbrella vending machines at the train station. Thankfully, we got lucky with some sun.

Monday we traveled to the city of Växjö! It was nice to move on and out of a big city. Our hostel is located near a beautiful lake. Above is the view from our porch. 

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