Sunday, January 11, 2015

Saying Goodbye


I just arrived at my hotel in Bloomington, MN for my two day orientation before I fly out on Wednesday. I am excited to see my good friend Sidney, a crazy red head, who will be my partner on this crazy adventure. We lived on the same floor freshman year and have played rugby together since then.

I thought the hardest part of pre departure was going to be packing…one suitcase for five months?!? Luckily Adam gave me a really nice backpack for Christmas that will help. Turns out packing was a piece of cake compared to saying goodbye to everyone and  everything. At least when I am away from Sioux Falls at Gustavus during the school year I have my school friends and if anything, can drive home in less than three hours. For the next four and a half months I will have an ocean in between me and everything I have ever known! I had a box of kleenexes with me on the drive up to the cities. Leaving is bittersweet and thank goodness for modern technology like email and Skype.

This semester I intend to post all of my trials and tribulations on this blog, along with awesome pictures of everywhere I go and everything I do!

Hej da (Goodbye in Swedish…I think)